Exalting Mean to Compound Islamic Education on Specified Prophet Luminance Word


  • Abdul Aziz Romdhoni Universitas Wiralodra




Teacher, Prophets, Luminance, Education, Islam


Understanding peoples growth based on environmental, was practically been proven most of it in new achievement as to spreading a teaching of Qiroah, whether it simple matter at small altar or utterly be held by major scholar; this to harboring the stalled faith on expressing Harf. On the contrary, upon breaching the people mind, some of other structure that has never be in prime component striating. This research was qualitative approach. Put it within variety stage of assertive term, precisely be as to feel is always coming on the exact fact, but comforting tongue usage makes some path, that is an idea be sided not in signifying the mean on native assortment, this to interact in between cyber mass. Having to know what to tell, on word that is having a meaning, be found on that very first not to learn but yearn; many focus on to clash differentiate but not on the grounded teachers choice in luminance their term of word, this search is to detect narrowed recourse from the Islamic teaching


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How to Cite

Romdhoni, A. A. . (2023). Exalting Mean to Compound Islamic Education on Specified Prophet Luminance Word. Journal Islamic Pedagogia, 3(1), 1–7. https://doi.org/10.31943/pedagogia.v3i1.83